Friday, April 23, 2010

From LA to PA to NY in ONE DAY

On Tuesday evening as I was uploading images, I sat and reflected, perhaps if I were Kate right know I'd want to hurry home, put on some comfy clothes, kick back and relax. But to no avail I was surprised that this Thursday April 22nd Kate travelled from LA to PA and ended her day in New York, strolling and looking relaxed...but below we'll see her other Thursday adventures. Above and below: Radar Online. Kate appears to have had her hair styled and to have done some shopping at her favorite, Ann Taylor.
Earlier the same day Kate + 8 and entourage arrived back home. Jon is looking after the children while Kate is on a press tour, however she was home...but for less than half an hour!

They arrived from the airport in a mini bus, but she travelled to New York in a limo.
Below: Arriving at Baltimore airport, yes not Philadelphia (TMZ)

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