Little Leah
"Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids have been without power for 25 hours now. How are they all holding up through the snow storm and boredom? It sounds like they are doing pretty well.
Kate is on Twitter letting fans know that they are still doing okay, but are without power which means no heat, and for Kate Gosselin no coffee.
"Dear PP&L: My 8kids want pancakes 4bkfast&I NEED coffee2function as a momof8. If u can fix r wires b4 am I'll b 4ever grateful.Luv,gosselins"
She later told a fan that they have been without power for 25 hours now. It sounds like the bunch is holding up okay. They were able to sleep and Kate Gosselin charged her phone in her car. She stayed up talking to fans on Twitter to help her through the boring night of no electronics.
She shared a picture of her daughter dressed up to stay warm. She was calling herself a hobo with the outfit she had on at the time.
Leah has named herself 'an extreme hobo'(not making light of homeless persons, just repeating a 7 yr old)
Hopefully Kate Gosselin and her kids have power back soon. Fans can't imagine keeping 8 kids happy with no electricity."
Source: Celebs.gather
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