Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Superwoman Carla and her blog

If you've ever come across Carla's blog you will enlightened by the Turner family. They are wholesome and enjoy every moment they can together, a really close knit family. 

    Family photo. From Carla's collection

Carla has been married for 22 years to Mark. Her eldest daughter Ashley (followed by 4 sons) attends Liberty University and is also one of Kate's trusted babysitters, and for a good reason, they rarely talk or discuss 'Gosselin news' and thus have kept out of the overwhelming limelight that is currently following Kate. 

Carla and Aunt Jodi are still friends to this day (hence Aunt Jodi does know about what happens in Kate's world).

Carla home schools and has been a babysitter while raising her family, despite a busy day of errands she still finds time to help others, her daughter Ashley calls her "superwoman" and rightly so. In Kate's book, I Just Want You To Know she tells about a particular time Carla helped her to clean up the sextuplets bedroom in chapter 10 called "Blood, Band-Aids, and Baths in the kitchen sink. Pages 126-127 for those of you who have the book show the "nursery destruction" as Kate calls it.

Feel free to visit her blog, to see the journey the Turner's take. 

    Carla and Ashley. From Carla's Collection

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