Friday, August 6, 2010

Joining forces and Meltdown

The latest news out of TCA proves that worlds will be colliding this fall: TLC president Eileen O’Neill confirmed that Kate Gosselin and her brood will make a guest appearance on Sarah Palin’s reality series Sarah Palin’s Alaska that’s set to premiere on Nov. 14. The Gosselins will visit the Palins in Alaska, and, apparently, camping will be involved. (Will they see wildlife I wonder? Maybe…a mama grizzly?) How are you feeling about this mingling of politics and reality TV? And even if you don’t care for either woman, are you still going to find tuning in irresistible? Follow this story HERE

In other news the videotaped Alaska camping trip between reality star Kate Gosselin and political personality Sarah Palin was a 'nightmare,' a source told the National Enquirer. According to the tabloid, Gosselin lasted just two hours in the woods, before storming off in tears. The story suggests Gosselin acted like a 'diva' upon finding out about the bathroom situation. For the record, Palin pleaded for her to stay. Follow this story HERE.

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