Wednesday, August 25, 2010

'Hump day'...lets 'throw back'

As we reach 'Hump Day' Gosselin Diary wants to give you a 'throwback' of some memorable moments. Take your time to peruse these links.

The Gosselins talk to Oprah, remeber that segment? Well they were already seperated yet 'together' in public, soon after this the Gosselins 2009 unraveled.

Also remember that 'watergate'? Where Mady asks for water, and Kate takes a sip without offering any to Mady.

Jon and Kate on Dr. Phil in 2008, asking for parenting help.

Oh, how fun was that?

But there were happier times, 'Surviving Sextuplets and Twins' and 'Surving Sextuplets and Twins One Year Later'

What will the future bring?

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