Monday, August 23, 2010

BAD media for Kate

It has become increasingly apparent... enough to mention.  That Kate has been getting slaughtered by the media once again, and Jon has come around as the 'simpleton' father.

Today, Monday August 23rd Kate went en route to New York with her bodyguard Steve Neild. They stopped at a Dunkin Donuts for some coffee. Kate was displeased with the rain, 'maybe' she should check the weather channel before getting dressed. Talking about Kate's dress sense, Jo Piazza from Pop Eater asks "Should Kate Gosselin start dressing her age?"

Also in can the show continue? Jane in CA, wrote;

"Yes, to every thing there is a season, a beginning and an end. There are countless child stars, one hit wonders, and others who have had their 15 minutes of fame, only to be left in the dust with the passing of time.

Simply put, I can't see how the show can continue much longer. For one thing, the majority of Americans are feeling the financial pinch of our economy. Many people are desperately seeking a job, any job. Others are hanging on and making do with much less. None of them want to tune in to watch a selfish unkind and undeserving woman go on vacation after vacation, and when home, do nothing else with her time besides shopping, tanning, and having her hair and nails done. Kate contributes nothing to make the world a better place. She is a living example of selfish excess. The audience for her show will continue diminishing until TLC finally pulls the plug. Let's hope they do so after this season.

Kate cannot hope to carry a show by herself. The children are growing up and no matter how long she makes them sit in high chairs or wear matching clothing, or underfeeds them, they've already grown out of the cute baby/toddler stage. While they all have nice features, they are really not so very different from other children their own age to generate the interest that they once did.

Perhaps blessedly so, none of the children seem particularly talented. I mean, none of them are potential child stars (singing, dancing, acting, etc.). Besides which, if Kate tried to get them into movies or music, agents would take over and run the show, and Kate couldn't stand that.

I predict Kate will grow increasingly desperate to keep the material goods she's amassed so far, such as the McMansion, the expensive cars, clothes, and of course, her babysitter, Steve Nield.

But when the money runs out, she won't be able to. How can she maintain the mortgage and upkeep on that huge property? How can she afford to pay Nield $1600/day to accompany her on jaunts around town? Some people think she's socked away a good amount of money -- maybe so. But what I see is a woman who spends, spends, spends.

I just hope that she can't touch what little bit of money actually made it into the children's accounts.

I'd like to add: TLC is no longer allowed in my household. Even long after the Kate show is taken off the air, TLC will remain off limits in my household. They lost a viewer for a long, long time, perhaps life."

Read the other comments on "Is the end in sight?"

Last but not least, Dr Lillian Glassman squished Babymamma on her "Kate and Steve body language" post, a MUST READ HERE.

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